Partnerships in Action: Building and Bringing More Together

Chrissy Claudio | November 20, 2024

“This event offers a valuable opportunity to collaborate with other states, allowing us to share best practices for consumer education and beef promotion.”

Utica, NY (November 2024)—State beef councils across the country recently gathered in Denver, Colorado, for the annual Partnerships in Action (PIA) conference to learn about national Beef Checkoff programs and discuss ways those efforts can be expanded in New York. Coordinated by the Federation of State Beef Councils and funded by the Beef Checkoff, PIA brings state beef councils together to build a stronger state and national partnership.   

 Topics discussed during the event highlighted how the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, and state beef councils work together to drive demand for beef. Attendees learned about program strategy, current consumer trends and preferences, and upcoming Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. promotions. Nearly 80 staff from 32 state beef councils participated in the event, including Chrissy Claudio, Director of Producer Communications & Consumer Engagement from the New York Beef Council (NYBC).   

 “This event offers a valuable opportunity to collaborate with other states, allowing us to share best practices for consumer education and beef promotion,” said Chrissy Claudio. “I come away with fresh insights each time, along with practical ideas to bring back and implement in New York.”   

 The NYBC is part of the Federation of State Beef Councils and voluntarily invests in the Federation to enhance the national Checkoff and leverage producer dollars through a coordinated partnership. The Federation was established in 1963 by grassroots producers as a more concerted and focused effort to conduct national beef research and promotion programs.   

 For more information about how the New York Beef Council is driving the demand for beef, visit                                                                               

 About the Federation of State Beef Councils 

 Created in 1963, the Federation of State Beef Councils represents the 43 Qualified State Beef Councils and is committed to its vision, which is to build beef demand by inspiring, unifying and supporting an effective and coordinated state and national Checkoff partnership. State beef councils voluntarily invest in the Federation to enhance the national Checkoff and leverage producer dollars through a coordinated partnership. Housed at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, the Federation is a grassroots organization run by producers across the country.