Long Island Dietitians Learn New Ways to Raise Healthy Children

C. Phillips | March 25, 2019

Forty-five pediatric registered dietitians from Long Island and New York City explored new ways to raise healthy children at a workshop in Long Island, N.Y., hosted by Long Island Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on March 16.  The event was sponsored by the New York Beef Council and the Beef Checkoff.

Jill Castle, RD, a childhood nutrition expert, presented a half-day workshop entitled Nourished: A New Model For Raising Healthy Children. The attendees were challenged to think differently, using reflection, individual exercises, and group work to generate creative strategies and solutions that consider the whole child.   The event began with a presentation on beef nutrition entitled Today’s Beef: The Nutrition Story.  Presenter Cindy Chan Phillips, MS, MBA, RD, NYBC director of nutrition education, guided the attendees through the research and current dietary guidelines on beef’s role in a healthy diet.   Workshop attendees were provided guidance on what works to nourish children well and what may be counterproductive. They learned that it is important to address the 3 factors of foods, feeding styles and child development. Castle emphasized key nutrients such as iron, zinc and choline, are crucial to early brain development, and that early solid foods should include foods rich in these nutrients, such as meats.   

The dietitians enjoyed nourishing beef tacos while they engaged in small-group exercises to innovate new strategies to address child nutrition issues. Survey results of participants showed the event was very successful.  After the event, 100% rated the workshop a “5 or 4” on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the best. About 76% said they have improved their view about beef in heart health. Another 40% said they are more likely to recommend beef than before. When asked about what key concepts in the talk were beneficial to them, “learning that behaviors like picky eating can be a result of feeding styles!” reflected the view of one dietitian. “Choosing lean beef is part of a heart healthy diet,” responded another.  “That the RDs chose to spend the beautiful Saturday with us just goes to show how dedicated they are in helping parents raise healthy children! ” said Phillips. “They loved the experience.” 

Phillips’ work with the NYBC is financially supported by the Kansas and Nebraska Beef Councils. For more information on the event, contact Cindy Chan Phillips, R.D., [email protected].